
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How to Write an Awesome Query Letter

First of all, I want to shout out the "winner" of my face painting challenge. I selected Michelle's suggestion of Phantom of the Opera. Thanks Michelle!!

I also included the Phantom design in a video. After you've watched it, feel free to join us this Thursday, October 28 for some REAL advice on how to write a Query. Elana Johnson will be here to chat with us live. 9 PM (EST)/ 8 PM (CT)


  1. Okay, you should have warned me not to watch that while drinking a cup of tea! Hee hee.

    LOVE IT. :)

  2. Ha ha! My favorite part is the embellishments stage. Doodles, stickers, and glitter. Nothing says professional like glittering swirls!

    Oh, and the owl looks so cute and official standing on top of words. (Five days left to vote on his name in the upper right hand poll!)

  3. woohoo! LOVE the face painting!!! :D And that video is just too hilarious! Awesome job! :D

  4. Hope you get many, many hits on YouTube.

  5. LOL I loved your video! You should write a advice book, Kristal :) BTW, I know it was a strange thing to notice, but you have really pretty handwriting. I was about to go write, but I'm taking your advice and am going to work on my signature instead! Hehe

  6. The Phantom is GORGEOUS (and the woman behind the mask too). Love the video as well.

  7. Why stop with old-fashioned glitter? An old friend used to mail me cards for every holiday, and they were full of thematic, shiny confetti. The kind shaped like jack-o-lanterns, bats, ghosts, and candy corn for example.

    Nothing brings back memories like finding confetti in your carpet (or your hair, or in the dog's poo) months later!

    P.S. Word verification: brians--dyslexic zombie?

  8. Too funny. Love the glitter. Like Angelica, I used to have a friend that sent me letters with confetti in them all the time. What a mess.

  9. Everyone, Thanks all!!

    Your comments made me smile.

  10. i think the most unrealistic thing about that was your clean desk. i know the truth.

  11. Michelle:

    Actually, I moved the filming to the craft table cause it would've taken too long to clean my desk. lol.


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