
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Guest review of DEADWOOD

So in case you haven't noticed, our very own Kell Andrews is having her book come out soon. You can read her post about DEADWOOD by scrolling down a few posts.

I got my copy of DEADWOOD recently, and before I could get my hands on it, my 9-year-old daughter swiped it from me. So today, I have a special guest reviewer: My daughter, Kira.

I really thought that Deadwood was good. It was entertaining the whole way though. I got really excited at parts when it got scary or confusing for the characters. It seemed like it was really happening, and I was in the book with them. My favorite character was probably Hannah, because she was brave and she kept on trying no matter what. She believed in herself. I like that it was hard to figure out the answer to their problem. I like fantasy so I enjoyed the magic. You should all read the book.
 5 out of 5 stars.

Our Guest Reviewer:

Kira is a 4th grader. She enjoys reading and acting in plays. She smiles often and is friendly to everyone. She is in dance and plays the piano. She loves nature and animals. 


  1. excellent review :D Can't wait to read this!

  2. Fabulous review! Thanks Kira! My five-year-old's first response when he saw the awesome cover was, "Wow, it looks like Harry Potter!" I read him the first two chapters while his brothers napped, and he begged me to read chapter 3 tonight at bedtime because he wanted to hear about the lightning. So that's two great incentives to read it. Epic cover: check. Compelling first chapters: check. Well done, Kell and Pugalicious Press!

  3. There's a rule that writers should never respond to reviews, but I'll make an exception! Excellent review, Kira, and I'm very glad you enjoyed it. Thank you!


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