
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Awesome Chat: Magic Limitations and 1K a Day update.


Next Tuesday, October 5th from 5-6pm EST, come join the Operation Awesome girls in the OA Writing Lab (password: awesome) for some tantalizing discussion about magical limitations in your writing. The OA bloggers LOVE their magical story elements. In fact, I think every single one of us is writing a sparkly-magical story right now, so we have lots of opinions/tips/thoughts about how to do it convincingly, and we'd love to hear yours as well.

Door prizes include:
  1. Prada and Prejudice by Mandy Hubbard 
  2. Voice of Crow by Jeri Smith-Ready 

1k a Day:

As promised, here are the buttons for the 1k a Day challenge. Put it up on your blog as a way to commit to this challenge. Also, if you post about the challenge on your blog and then post a link to that post in the comments under this thread, I'll give you a chance at winning your choice of either a blog button, banner or a ten page critique by yours truly.

Edit: I've been having some technical difficulties getting the text box to link the buttons. For now, you can save the images and post them on your site.

Here is the button for 1k a day

And for the less ambitions, here is a 1 Page a Day tag.

It's not how much you write that is important, it is writing consistently. So if you can't pull off the 1K a Day, make a go for the 1 page.


  1. Okay, I'm trying to do the 1K a day challenge, but that 1 Page a day button is so darn cute! Just look at that little baby owl with the sharpie!

    *leads the room in a collective AWWW!*

  2. Well I want both buttons. lol. But you know I'm in. 1k all the way for me. hehe.

  3. This is a great idea. I need a kick in the writing butt!

  4. Hi. I saw your button on Lenny's World an' jus' hadda' come over an' introduce myself. So, howdy. I'm happy to meet you... an' your owls.

    I love owls an' I agree; that last button is so cute with the baby holdin' the Sharpie. How can I resist such a cutie owl baby? Thank you for creatin' an' sharin' your talents.

    ~ Yaya

  5. I love the one page a day button. I'm going for the 1K a day, but I'm soooo tempted to use the other one on my blog. :D


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