
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Is Chaos Interfering With Your Writing Life?

So how has everyone been doing on their writing goals this month? I was one of those that said I'd finish my first draft for NaNo. It didn't happen. Matter of fact, I barely wrote at all this month. HOWEVER, I feel pretty darn good about what I've gotten done. I've re-claimed my home.

Are you one of those writers that lets your house fall apart all in the name of writing? Well, from personal experience, it is difficult to feel relaxed and creative if you have chaos surrounding you. For my post today, I wanted to encourage you all to re-find your life...your real life, not your imaginary world. Gain control of your environment, then you will be able to focus when you sit down to create your written world. You will be happier. Your family will be happier. You will have balance.

In the past, I've done some home organization with the help of Flylady. She is great for teaching you routines and baby steps. I still use a lot of her helpful hints even when I am not following her advise exclusively. I suggest you check her site out if you haven't already.

Currently, I'm using a more simple way to get my life in order. For several months, I'd given my kids chore charts. (I highly recommend it!) Well, I gave myself a chore chart, as well, and posted it up on the fridge right next to the kid's charts. If I expect my kids to be responsible, then I need to show responsibility myself.

Here is my chart:

As you can see, I've added exercise (blech), studying my bible (Quite time), and WRITING and EDITING. I've made it a PART of my day, instead of making writing encompassing my day. 

My house has never looked this good. Seriously. And all of my chores, once you have the decluttering down (Rooms Rescues), it only takes a few minutes to get that done each day. I feel more at ease when I sit down to write, instead of feeling guilty that I haven't gotten my normal, everyday stuff done.

I am not an organized person by nature, just so you know. And I'm about as un-domestic as one can get. So if I can gain back my house and increase peace in my life, I know you can too.

Now, go do something to balance your life.

NOTE: And don't forget to come back tomorrow and enter our new Mystery Agent Contest. Oliver says that you won't want to miss it.


  1. I've been trying to balance things, myself . . . and I've started sticking to a more rigorous schedule instead of hopping on and off of things. You're right--I do feel better about it!

  2. Kristal, I wish I could do that, but I would be overwhelmed staring at the chores. And then I'd have to reprimand myself and take away privileges :(

  3. This is awesome! I love it! thanks Kristal :)

  4. Wow! You are so organized now! Yay for schedules we can actually follow. I tend to make lists that sit on my white-board un-consulted. Sad. But I think balance is the perfect topic for the end of Nano because we're all trying to get back into the swing of things PRE-nano. I know I am. So far my new(ish) exercise regimen is really helping with my writer's butt. And gives me time to plot again, too. LOVE that.

    Thank you for the reminder that balance can be found, even for writers.

  5. Kelly, the key is to reward not reprimand. And I don't always get my list done. But even if I get a few done, I feel better, and in turn, helps me get more done.

    If you really want to start with baby steps, I recommend the Flylady website. She starts you off really really slow...

  6. Love that chart. I have a monthly one, but I might do better with a weekly. And I love that you've kept Sunday set apart.

    I might steal it if you don't mind. :)

  7. ahhh the FlyLady :D I remember polishing my sink that first day LOL It did really help. I try to have days for things...bathrooms on Monday, dusting on Tues, etc (for the big chores).

    And you are right, if you declutter, it takes very little time to keep things going. My problem at the moment is storage space. I have none LOL And I've gotten brilliant at chucking things. But I'm having a hard time finding a place for stuff we actually use which is frustrating.

    I tend to take one day (usually Monday) and clean the house top to bottom - it usually stays clean all week..until the weekend when everyone is home all day. Argh. I really need to get back to my old organized ways. I got so much more done and the house looked great :D

  8. LOVE flylady!
    Mostly all I do from her is setting the timing thing. I'm already crazy about closets and organization and pitching things I don't use. It makes my husband nervous...


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