
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Psst, I'm Sharing Secrets

As you know it's follower love month here on Operation Awesome. On Monday, Amparo announced the winners of the agent (and OA) query critique winners. Check it out here if you missed it.

Yesterday saw the release of Leah Clifford's A Touch Mortal. To celebrate the fabulous book we have an awesome signed copy up for grabs. Enter here by 11:59 EST tonight.

Today I don't have a giveaway for you, but I can tell you some details about the March Mystery Agent contest.

We have another amazing agent ready for your entries on March 1st, but (like the 25 word pitch from our February M.A, Chris Richman) this time we're doing something a bit different.

Here's the rules:

1) Entry limit: 75 entrants.

2) Pitch length: 140 characters. Think Tweet. Since we're talking 140 characters, Title and Genre don't have to be part of the pitch -- add them on to the comment somewhere.

3) Genres: YA (especially thriller, cyberpunk, horror, historical romance); MG; women's fiction; romance (especially with a strong, female heroine).

So there you go. The contest starts when the Mystery Agent post goes up on March 1st. That gives you just under a week to get creative with your 'tweet' pitches. Remember, you only have 140 characters to wow our awesomesauce agent.

I know you can do it!


  1. Two questions. For YA, does that exclude other sub-genres not listed? And if you entered last month but didn't win, can you enter again? Thanks!

  2. Ditto to the question regarding other YA genres, such as Fantasy.

    Also, do spaces count as characters in the 140 total?

  3. Oh boy, questions!

    Christine, the above sub-genres are listed as 'especially' desirable, but I can't speak for the M.A. and don't want to deny M.A. an awesome pitch from another sub-genre. Use your own discretion. :)

    Previous entrants may enter again.

    Christina, your pitch must fit in a tweet. If in doubt, do the twitter test.


Add your awesome here: