
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Writer Love!

In the spirit of Valentine's Day, on Monday Operation Awesome is showing love to our followers with a super awesome query critique give-away -- thanks to the generosity of actual living, breathing Mystery Agents!

And in honor of our contest in honor of our followers, I'm offering up a little love to the writer who inspired me to be a middle-grade writer. Be warned: This post is not very original.

I decided to write for kids after I read Harry Potter, the series that launched thousands of kid writers.

I was a latecomer to the series about six years ago, but when I read JK Rowling's books, everything clicked. I had been a writing major in college, but it wasn't the right time. Later I tried a few adult novels, but they weren't the stories I wanted to read, much less write. Then I picked up my first middle-grade novels since my own middle-grade years, I remembered what had made me love writing and reading in the first place.

In the past few years, I've read hundreds more children's books, and there are many titles I admire more than Harry Potter. But JK Rowling got me started, and for that I owe her much love.

Express love to the writers who influenced you. Who got you started on your current path?


  1. J.K. Rowling is inspiring! My story is even less original. I've always been interested in writing, but it was my father passing away that really inspired me to take his advice and live life to the fullest by working hard to follow my dream.

  2. Andrea, that is absolutely true for me too. My dear mother-in-law passed away four years ago yesterday, and that was the same day that I picked up my notes, research, and outline and started getting really serious about writing my first novel. The act of imagination and creation was comforting to me in that terrible, painful time, and I finally stopped dithering about my goals. Hugs to you.

  3. Aww, love this post! Harry Potter opened my eyes about how awesome middle grade could really be, as well. I loved the unlikely heroine, Hermione, and felt all the characters were very round and real. I guess great writers do more than just entertain; they also inspire.

    Can't wait for the Valentine's contest!

  4. Great post on showing some writer love! It's like paying it forward! I'd have to say if it weren't for Stacey Kade I would be NOWHERE with writing science fiction! I did an interview with her and we started talking about this "idea" I had for writing a science fiction novel with aliens for young adults. She pushed me to write the story and even helped me come up with some of my character names! If it wasn't for her I would probably still have "Alien love interest" just hanging around my story.

  5. I'd always wanted to be a writer, but after reading HP series I was inpired to write for kids too. JK made it all so much fun. Here's to her!

  6. My writer inspiration is Melissa Marr. I connected with her writing right away and I just had the idea that I wanted to give others that connection too.

  7. My fifth grade teacher recommended The Hero and the Crown by Robin McKinley. That opened up a world of fantasy for me, and is a big part of why I write fantasy now. McKinley is still one of my loves.

  8. I'm with you,

    JK Rowling inspired me. My dad had just passed away and the first HP movie came out. I went to see it to take my mind off my grief. It was like going home. I got lost in this magical world.

    It wasn't until the second movie came out did I find out that it was a book series. I bought all four at once and read them in a week. I waited so anxiously for book five to come out ... 2 years I waited.

    I read the series so many time that I had them practically memorized. So, two years ago when my design business slowed to a halt and decided to write a my first children's novel. I'm on the second in the series now. SO I awe it all to JK.

    Another writer who I love and have been influenced by is Terry Brooks. His fantasy novels ROCK!


  9. When my neice was 12, she was obsessed with the Twilight series. I hadn't read YA for years, but borrowed her books. After Twilight, I started reading a ton of YA and now I have one completed YA (non-paranormal) ms and one 1/2-done MG WIP.

    So, I guess Stephenie Meyer started me back into YA, but it was probably Sarah Dessen who convinced me the world can always use more good books. :)


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