
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

April Mystery Agent Details!

It's the most wonderful time of the month. The excitement is growing, the pitches are flowing and we are all here. It's the most wonderful time of the month! 

Sorry, you caught me in song there. 

Anyway... I'm happy to announce the details of the April 1st Mystery Agent contest. 

No joke. April 1st is Mystery Agent day! 

Here are the rules:

1) Entry limit: 50 entrants. 

2) Pitch Length: One-sentence pitches. 

3) Genres: YA: fantasy, urban fantasy, dystopian, post-apocalyptic, and steam punk.
Adult: fantasy, urban fantasy, paranormal romance, dystopian, and post-apocalypic.
Adult Non-fiction: cookbooks, humorous memoirs, healthy living, narrative, current events.

Sorry no MG, thrillers, women's fiction, romance, poetry or short stories this month. 

4) Novels MUST be complete. We know how exciting it is to pitch, but if you win/enter the M.A. will want to see pages. 

5) Even if you entered a previous contest, you can still enter this one, but please only enter once. 

Last month, we had to disqualify a few for not following the rules. Please, please, please don't get caught in that situation. 

Katrina will open the contest on Friday. 

Ready. Set. Polish those pitches! 

Any questions? Leave them after the beep. Beep.


  1. These contests are so great! Good luck to everyone!

  2. Sounds fun, I need to remember to check back in a few days! I hope to participate!

  3. Sounds awesome! Thanks for hosting these.

  4. Yay! Good luck, everyone - I look forward to reading your pitches!

  5. Awesome! Thanks for hosting the contest.

  6. You guys are seriously so great for hosting these! Still glowing from last month's contest. :)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.


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