
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How Do You Draft?

I've always been a computer drafter. There is something about the clack of my fingers on the keys and the speed from which the words flow. There is also something about the evil word count meter at the bottom of the page, taunting me, displaying my productivity inadequacy. Then there is the ease of editing...over and over and over again. And firefox, lurking in my taskbar, urging me to "just take one peek." Then email, all 4 of them (yes, I have 4 email accounts) and twitter...oh, and don't forget Facebook, and the ever-so-fun, yet distracting, chat box where my online friends await.

So you can see, computers are great...but they do have their downfalls when you are trying to get your story out in words. So I sat down with a pencil and an old-fashioned notebook. I've been struggling lately, but last night I actually wrote.

So, I think I may try finishing this current first draft on paper, forcing me to get the words out without all of the distractions that keep me from my prose. 

What about you all? Do you write your first draft with your computer? Or are you the old-fashioned pen-to-paper writer? Which do you prefer?


  1. Well, I have dysgraphia, so I don't really have much choice (off topic, I just typed "I don't really have much voice." Can you type a Freudian slip?).

    Dysgrapia is to writing what dyslexia is to reading. Writing with pen to paper is super, super hard for me. Concentrating and making it the best it can be must be done on the computer.

  2. I give myself rewards ... little easter egg here, cookie there ... if I can meet my goal without retreating to my emails, twitter ect ;)

  3. I'm a computer girl. It can be hard to focus at times but that's usually only when I'm stuck. When I'm really loving what I'm writing, you can't move me away from my document no matter how many emails await.

  4. I'm strictly a computer gal. The internet is a major distraction, but it still doesn't as much time as it does to decipher my handwriting ;-)

  5. Kyle, I work with so many kids with Dysgraphia...keyboarding is a godsend for most.

    Now personally, I draft on the computer but I plan with the pen. And I'm totally weird about the type of pen and a specific type of notebook. Silly, I know.

  6. Throughout high school, I was totally pen-and-paper, but now it just feels odd. I have to use my laptop--it's like I can't think without the clicking of my keyboard. :)

  7. at this point, i'm not sure paper will help.

  8. I do all my rough drafts and edits on the computer. Then I do a read aloud to catch final mistakes. After all the computer edits, read alouds, and critque edits, and so on, I then print and find those pesky things I can't see on the computer screen.

    If you get a chance, please visit my blog. I'm holding a 500 follower contest. Great prizes!

  9. I tend to draft the actual words on the computer, but when it comes to plotting, outlining, or setting up the "rules" or details of the setting, I use a notebook. I just can't seem to outline on the computer, and I've only drafted in a notebook when I have nothing else (sitting at the pediatrician's office with my kids, or in another place where typing on my iPod just isn't going to cut it). I keep a notebook in my car for that reason.

  10. I actually wrote one book by hand and LOVED doing it that way. But my other books have all been by computer. I even tried writing by hand again and just couldn't do it. For some reason, it was just that one book. Poetry I do on paper though, always.

  11. I'm a computer girl all the way. I'll print off a few hardcopy during the process, but mostly I edit off the computer. And I ALWAYS type the first draft on the computer.

  12. I use a computer, but I feel like it's not always the best. Sometimes I get caught in the endless edit loop, because my computer will give me blaring red squiggles when something is wrong. Something about the computer feels more permanent as well, like I want to get it right before I move on.

  13. I use my laptop, write in a notebook, and even in the note function on my iphone. I've also been known to scribble down things on the back of receipts when I can't find anything else haha.

    When I do write things out by hand, I usually type it up as soon as I can.

  14. COMPUTERS ARE MY FRIEND, especially during the editing/revising stage. I love the fact that I can just delete a word and replace it with something else, make a comment in the margins, or use an instant thesaurus. All of my novels have been on my Mac. Love it. Will never give it up.

  15. I use both. When I'm stuck using paper and pencil helps me because it forces me to slow down in the writing process.

  16. Pen and paper all the way! Maybe I'm old-fashioned? I don't have a laptop, though, so the notebook is portable for me. And I can pull it out anytime, anywhere and write.

    Plus, when I get the time to put the draft onto the computer, I get a round of editing out of the way.


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