
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Contest Surprise #2 :D Mystery Agent Revealed!

Okay, well, we realized after posting yesterday that we couldn't keep our Mystery Agent a secret because we needed to let the finalists know who she was so they could send in their pages. Soooo…we figured we’d let the rest of you in on the secret as well :)

Our May’s Mystery Agent is none other than my own supremely fabulous agent.....

Krista Goering!!!!
I have absolutely loved working with Krista and am so excited for our finalists. Good luck to all of you!!!

I asked Krista a few questions which she was kind enough to answer :)

Is there anything specific you’re just dying to get your hands on?

I love mysteries and thrillers – and would love to get my hands on a great one. I’m also interested in paranormal, romance and historicals, including alternate history novels. 

What is your biggest pet peeve when it comes to queries or submissions?

My biggest pet peeve is being addressed as “Dear literary agent” or (worse) “Dear editor” or (worst) “To whom it may concern.”

Are there any concepts that you are seeing way too much of?

Too many Twilight clones, too many “guardian” paranormals.

What is your favorite part of being an agent?

After working with an author to bring her book into the world, my favorite thing is holding that book in my hands for the first time.

Do you have any exciting client or agency news? 

I recently had an editor suggest a nonfiction book to me that he thought was a better idea than the one proposed by my client – and it turned out that my client and I agreed with him. The new proposal is getting a lot of attention. You just never know where the great idea will come from.

Any last thoughts for queriers?

When you write your short pitch (25 words) make sure you’ve captured the excitement of the novel, not just the basic who/what/when/where/why.

Thanks so much for joining us this month, Krista! And congrats again to our finalists!

For more information on Krista and her agency, check out her website HERE. Krista is interested in:

Nonfiction of all kinds, including:

Mind/body/spirit titles of all kinds
Innovative health/wellness/nutrition/diet books
How-to books of all kinds
Self-help titles from top-platformed authors
Anything that brings an innovative or fresh perspective or format to long-standing parenting topics
Books related to college admissions or college survival
Books about movies or TV
Narrative nonfiction titles by platformed authors
Interesting, nichey cookbooks

She is also actively looking for novels, including mysteries, thrillers, paranormals, and romances.

Thanks again everyone! And stay tuned for other mystery agent contests, coming soon!!


  1. Woooohooo! One more agent to query :) I've got quuite a thriller for her.


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