
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How is an agent like an eReader?


So I'm thinking of doing the thing that I, as an I'll-love-the-feel-of-real-books-in-my-hand-forever-and-ever type person, dread... I'm thinking (I've been 'thinkin' for at least 6 months, I can't rush these decisions. It's not a cookie) of getting an eReader. Why? My books are threatening to overtake my room like the Triffids in that movie. 

Problem: The options are astounding. There's the Kindle, the Nook, the Nook Colour, the Sony eReader, iPad, and other various brands out there. And everyone seems to have a preference to a certain type. Most agents seem to talk about reading submissions on Kindles. Then there are the iPad devotees. 

Buying an eReader takes a lot of research. I've trawled the interwebs for reviews, the varying prices of eBooks & the readers themselves. It's hard.

It's a little like researching agents.

You read Query Tracker, Literary Rambles, Agent QueryAbsolute Write (and the other various sites out there). You read agent interviews, look at the clients they represent, query preferences, books sold *insert long list of variables here* You settle on a few, taylor your query and hit send.

You get rejections. You get requests. 

Then the miracle happens, you get *all the numbers* offers of representation (No subtext here I'm afraid). They call you. They love your writing. You are their Kindle/Nook/iPad of choice. You chat. You ask for referral from an author/s perhaps (lets call those your product review) and you sit back and think...

Are they the right agent/eReader for me? 

And the answer? As with most things it's personal preference. 

Just like choosing an eReader. You pick who fits you the best. 

Over to you. Do you have an eReader? How do you decide to choose an agent to query? 


  1. As usual I love this comparison! I've been the same way about getting an e-reader, but my books too are taking over the house.

    Great post!

  2. I queried publishers not agents and at first it was just any who published my genre. But as you said, I eventually found one that fit.
    And yes, I have the most awesome iPad! I wanted all options - movies, music, games, apps, Internet - and an iPad fit me best.

  3. I've got an ereader, but I'm still reluctant to buy a lot of YA books for it. But judging from my bookshelf, I've got to get over this. ;)

  4. I personally have a Kindle. I bought one for my wife on her birthday last year, and then she bought one for me at Christmas, or maybe that was flipped around. All I know is that I got to try hers out before I asked for one. They are very nice to read on and honestly find myself reading more than I used to. Almost double. I used to read about 2 books a month or so, now I am reading a book a week.

    In regards to agents, I sort of use the shotgun approach. I query wide and far among agents that represent my genre. I do have some personal crushes that I would love, and I usually send one of those out with each query batch. That way if I get rejected it sort melds with the rest. :)

  5. After moving and lacking boxes for my books, I thought about getting an eReader just for that convenience. I've yet to query an agent, though. I need to get my writing up to par first.

  6. Ok, going to out myself as a geek here, but they're Tribbles (episode of Star Trek was "The Trouble with Tribbles")

  7. I love my nook, but don't use it as often as I read paper books. I'm with you on the sentimentality of it, but the nook is easy on my eyes--way easier than a computer or tablet could be.

    Love your links for the agent hunt! I used to depend entirely on those websites, but now that I've read some agent blogs and met some super authors, I prefer to query agents with great feedback from their clients, and who represent themselves well online. I figure if they're great at repping themselves, they'll be great at repping me and my books someday. :)

  8. Thanks everyone. I'm still thinking about makes, but I'm going to get one at some point. Maybe I'll close my eyes an point at one to choose. LOL.

    Rebecca - Tribbles! I loved that episode. I'm a TV/movie geek, too :)


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