
Monday, October 24, 2011

An Open Letter To Your Haters

Dear Writer Haters,

You are entitled to think writers are weird. 

You are entitled to think writers are boring. 

You are entitled to think writers have no knowledge of what goes on outside their heads.

You are entitled to think writers who write for teens and children are immature.

You are entitled to not read writers' stories.


Writers are entitled to think you're weird.

Writers are entitled to think you're boring.

Writers are entitled to think you have no knowledge of what goes on outside your head.

Writers are entitled to think people who make fun of stories for teens and children are immature.

Writers are entitled to write whether you'll read their stories or not.

And remember...

Image here

Just sayin'.


A Writer :)


  1. Love this. :D

    So take that, you non sparkling haters.

  2. Are there writer haters? I'm always surprised to find out that there are people who passionately hate groups of people who I thought were totally innocuous, like sneaker-wearers or the lactose intolerant.

    Yay for writers! And sneaker-wearers! And the lactose intolerant!

  3. This is great. "Haters don't sparkle." Lol.

  4. YESSS. And is that a real button? I want one.

  5. @Susan--I don't know if it's a real button, but I want one too! ;)

  6. Very good! Where would we be without the creators and imaginators?

  7. If these 'writer haters' realized how much of what they do and say each day is influenced by writers (and that the majority of movies are as well) they would probably feel ashamed of themselves.


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