
Friday, January 27, 2012

Cover reveal: Updated Covers for Possession & Surrender

When the fabulous Elana Johnson announced via Twitter that she had a secret to reveal, I dropped my cookies and jumped at the chance to help her reveal it.

You remember these covers, right?:
PossessionSurrender (Possession, #2)

Gorgeous, right? Well here's what landed in my inbox from Elana...

First, I present the newly-designed cover for the POSSESSION paperback:

I love (and own) the original cover in hardback, but I think the graduated background colour really compliments the the butterfly in the ice. And did you notice the new tagline?

And here is the hardback cover for SURRENDER:

Again, I think the colour of the background makes the bird in the jar pop.

I'm normally a bit on the fence about cover redesigns. I like my books (especially the ones in a series) to compliment each other when they live on my bookshelves (I know, I'm weird *grins*). But I do love these new covers. Plus the cover backgrounds just happen to be two of my favourite covers. :)

What about you? What do you think about the POSSESSION and SURRENDER covers?


  1. I'm anal about all my harbacks matching and such as well. But these covers are gorgeous. I'm so excited for Surrender!

  2. Oh, they're beautiful! I like the font change, esp on the author's name. Very eye-catching! Thanks for sharing, Lindsay and Elana!! Can't wait to read Surrender! The ending of Possession was so hard to let go!

  3. I love them! I think it's a fantastic redesign. Now I want to buy the new

  4. I love both sets. The white covers look super stylish and minimalistic, but the graduated colors do make the focal points pop more. :-)


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