
Monday, January 16, 2012

The Golden Globe Awards... For BOOKS! And A CONTEST!

So. I love movies. And award shows. 

And, of course, books.

Since the Golden Globes were celebrated last night, I figured I'd have a mini-celebration today! 

Here's the deal: I'm going to share the category name on this post, and you lovely people will write your nominees in the comments. Easy, right?

The point of this is, well, so I can steal your nominees for my To-Read pile. Shameless, I know. 


But alas! A twist! One lucky commenter will win a preorder of their nominated book! All I ask is that you: 

1) be a follower

2) share your nominee on this post

3) live on Planet Earth (contest is international)

Okay. Here's the Golden Globe For Books Category:

Most Anticipated Read of 2012

You have until this Sunday, January 22nd to enter. The winner will be announced next Monday, January 23rd! Best of luck to all who enter!


  1. GIRL OF NIGHTMARES by Kendare Blake!

  2. City of Lost Souls - Cassandra Clare

  3. POSSESSION by Elana Johnson!

    And I already preordered it, so if I win I'll give away an extra copy on my blog!

    Awesome contest. Thanks!

  4. FAIR COIN by E.C. Myers--can't wait to get my hands on this book. Great contest, guys!

  5. Rapture by Lauren Kate. I love this series :)

  6. WINGS OF THE WICKED by Courtney Allison Moulton!!!!!!! Please, please, pleeaassee!!!!!


Add your awesome here: