
Monday, February 27, 2012

March Mystery Agent Contest DETAILS :)

Note: to those of you who entered our February Mystery Agent Contest, don't fret! The results are on their way. I'll post them as soon as I get them :)

Now. March is right around the corner. Which means a brand new Mystery Agent!! *dances* Since the contest will go live this Thursday, I figured I'd let y'all know what our Mystery Agent is clamoring for in ze slush pile. 

Here are the genres our Mystery Agent is looking for:

YA contemporary/realistic fiction
YA sci-fi or light fantasy (nothing "epic")
Adult literary fiction
Magical realism (YA or adult)
Dark mystery (psychological or ghostly--nothing with an "amateur sleuth" or cozy mystery)
Literary horror (YA or adult)

And these are projects the Mystery Agent isn't looking for:

Paranormal romance
Picture books/children's books
Genre romance

Anything not specified in the Not Looking For is fine, though. And remember: the prize is a full manuscript request, so yeah, I'd enter this baby if I were you. Make sure you come back on Thursday, March 1st for the contest!

If you have any questions, feel free to either leave them in the comments, or email us at!

Happy Monday!


  1. Eek! So excited. What a great way to start off a Monday. :)

  2. Wheee, so excited! What will we be entering? Pitches? First pages?

    Can't wait!

    1. Hi! Just a one-line pitch for the contest. No sample pages necessary :)

  3. So exciting! I won't be able to participate, but I'll be there with pom-poms for the rest of you. Best of luck!

  4. Is 'magical realism' the same as contemporary or urban fantasy?

  5. This sounds exciting! How do we submit the pitches?


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