
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Never Give Up. Never Surrender.

"You don't start out writing good stuff. You start out writing crap and thinking it's good stuff, and then gradually you get better at it. That's why I say one of the most valuable traits is persistence."
Octavia Butler

Writing is hard. If anyone says anything different then I want what they're having. *grins* But, despite the (occasional) hard moments, you write. You make the time to sit at the computer to type those words day after day. You edit, rewrite, query and go through the rainbow of emotions that accompany it. 

You smile at requests. You file away the rejections. You shelve manuscripts you love. You write scenes and dialogue on scraps of paper/cereal boxes/text messages. You balance your real life with your fictional ones. You write. You persist. And that is the important thing. 

Never give up. Never surrender. 

You are a writer.  


  1. I needed this today. Thanks OA! :)

  2. Like ValerieFM, I needed this medicine this week.

  3. <3 Having one of "those" days, so this was needed. Thank you!

  4. Whoa. I needed this badly today. Thanks!

  5. I tell myself to keep going. Some days are difficult.
    Also, I'm really bad at writing pitches! It makes me feel totally inadequate.

  6. AWESOME post! And every ounce of it is TRUE.

  7. Amen! That's all we can control in the end.

  8. Great quote! Thanks for the reminder.

  9. I'm going to 3rd or 4th (or whatever # we're on) the others who said, I really needed this right about now.

  10. My favorite movie line! Good ol Galaxy Quest.

  11. Wow, like so many of you, I also really needed this boost! Thank you.


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