
Thursday, February 23, 2012

You Tell Me....

What are some of your favorite organizational tools for writing? 

I always get a little giddy when I get new office supplies. Notebooks, gel pens, push pins, file boxes, paper clips *happy sigh* And they've got the CUTEST stuff nowadays! I'm also a fan of spread sheets, lists, and outlines and am hoping the Easter Bunny brings me Scrivener this year :D

What sorts of things do you have in your arsenal?


  1. I love my sticky notes. They decorate the walls of my office during revisions. It feels good to crumple each one up as I complete whatever it was reminding me to do. They're only a problem when they spill out and invade the rest of the house like locusts. It's awkward to have a guest on my sofa reading: "don't forget to kill off the father"...

  2. LOL yeah, my husband once found one that was about something my MC needed to do after she broke up with her boyfriend. He looked at me and said "we're breaking up?" LOL He knew it was for a book, but could have been awkward :D

  3. Scrivener, definitely! I also like sticky notes and index cards.

  4. I think I would go crazy without sticky notes. They are everywhere in my house, not just my office... It's kind of a problem! Still, they're so useful! Also, paperclips. The colorful kind. I think I'm just a sucker for office supplies!

  5. Ohmygosh GEL HIGHLIGHTERS. I am in love with them. They are Iike crayons, but made of gel and highlighter-ey. Okay that didn't sound awesome, but they ARE!

  6. I agree sticky notes are my favorite. But I recently fell in love with moleskin notebooks. I carry one around with me everywhere I go and write all my thoughts and ideas in it.

  7. Sticky notes reign! But I bought a moleskin notebook and am hoping it turns out like Laurisa says. Have a great weekend!


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