
Monday, April 30, 2012

Sequelitis = Querying

So. This summer is packed with upcoming sequels. Some of them have been on my TBR pile for a year. To be honest, the wait has been a-g-o-n-i-z-i-n-g. But alas, summer is upon us! No more waiting! 

*break dances*

Since sequelitis is in full bloom in my lil ol' head, I figured I'd share some of the books I'm desperate to get my hands on. So. Here are 4 of my most anticipated sequels of the summer:

There are lots more where those came from, but this is just to give you an idea of what I'm looking forward to. Yes, I will read debut novels and subsequent novels from already published authors, but there's something about sequels, you know? The anticipation prior to getting your hands on one is both awesome and excruciating... and it's a lot like querying

Before you get an agent's/editor's response, everything is fair game. You envision a buttload of requests with glowing praise for your manuscript. Or you could envision tons of rejections and cry yourself into a corner just thinking about it. Either way, you're already familiar with other authors' experiences, their success/failures, and their querying tactics. Before you get that response, you hope your experience meets your expectations. Same goes for waiting for a sequel--you have sooooooo many expectations and fears that it's insane. Will the MC do what I want them to do? Or will they TOTALLY go a different route and leave me in the dust? In both cases, you don't want to be left in the dust. But simply waiting for the moment when you know whether it happens or not can be more excruciating than knowing for certain

At least it is for me. 

Hopefully, I'm evolving into a much more patient, considerate creature. 



Now tell me: are there any sequels you're dying to get your hands on this summer?? And if you're querying, or plan on querying this summer, BEST OF LUCK! *hugs a bazillion times*


  1. I think the only sequels I'd really like to read moving forward are books 2 + 3 of 'The Hunger Games' trilogy, and probably the other two books in Cormac McCarthy's 'Borderlands Trilogy'.

    Good luck with your queries, I'm in that boat, too.

  2. I've pre-ordered the last two. I've almost finished re-reading City of Lost Angels. As much as I LOVED the Vampire Academy series, I haven't gotten around to reading The Bloodline series, yet. I'll probably wait until more of the books are out. I have enough books in my TBR pile and list to keep me busy until then.

    I'll be back to querying this summer. :(

    (I know there's a bunch of sequels I'm looking forward to this summer, but I can't remember what they are)

  3. I can't wait for Insurgent and Bitterblue. And Surrender by Elana Johnson.

  4. I'm DYING to read Bitterblue. Have been for years. Literally. I'm actually looking forward to the middle-of-the night feeding with my newborn tonight because that's when I'll crack it open. :)

    I'm taking a much-needed break from querying this summer, unless you count waiting for my requests to die as querying. :) BUT! I'm hoping to be back in the game with a new MS for WriteOnCon. Can't. Wait.

    Good luck to everyone querying!!! Fingers crossed for you.

  5. I'm so excited to see Bitterblue on your list. I can't wait to get my hands on my copy tomorrow.

    Good luck with your queries...

  6. Good luck with querying!
    I'm going to be querying this summer too. 2nd try. I took a break to rework/revise my ms and query letter.
    As for sequels, there are a few books on my to read list that are part of a series. Need to get through book 1 first :)


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