
Thursday, April 12, 2012

You Tell Me....

Are you a night owl, or early bird? When is that perfect creative time for you?

For me, I'm a definite night owl. I do, however, love being awake early in the mornings when everyone else is asleep and the day is just beginning. Unfortunately, the two don't combine well. And I end up a little like this:


Also, my prime creative time has shifted over the years. I used to love late night writing. Now I find myself more productive during daylight hours. Late morning/early afternoon specifically. This might have something to do with the fact that my kids are both in school full time now LOL

But I'm curious - how many other late night vampires are out there? :) Or do you like to rise with the sun?


  1. I'm great in the mornings (6 to 10) and evenings (8 to 11), but mid-afternoons and midnight I could sleep standing up. Needless to say I take a lot of naps.

  2. I'm definitely not a night owl anymore. I'm awake between 5-6 and I'm lucky if I can stay up until 11. But, I also write at night for the most part. :shrug: Those mornings after a writing session that keeps me up late are killer.

  3. I like to get up before the sun. Quiet early mornings are prime times for me to sit at the computer. Um, with the cats. So, it isn't ENTIRELY peaceful.

  4. Definitely a night owl. Sadly, with my day job I often look like that poor owl above. In a perfect world I would do everything between 11 pm and 3 am, but this is far from a perfect world. I wind up being creative in my second best time 3-6 pm.

  5. When I was in college, I was better at working very late into the night, but now that I'm on my 9 to 5 schedule, mornings work a lot better for me, especially 10-12. I try to sneak in a little at work when I'm not busy. :)

    Of course, sometimes things just don't work out that way, and I have to manage it in the early evenings to make my self-imposed deadlines...

  6. I think from dinner time to about 10 o'clock in the evening is usually good for me. And it's easy for me to stay up later than I planned--I have looked like our little owl buddy many a morning. :/

  7. I'm a night owl for sure. But have to wake early. So I try to nap, but...I pretty much look like that disheveled owl all the time.

  8. I have four little kids, so I'm up early but not by choice. I used to be a night owl. I try to write in the early evening before I become useless.

  9. I'd love to be a night owl. I was all through college and graduate school. I even worked at night. But, with the full time 9-5 (or 10-6) gig, I find it impossible to cultivate the night hour mentality. So, I'm forced to - attempt to be - productive during the daylight hours.

  10. I'm a total night owl and every morning I wake up looking and feeling like the owl in that picture.

  11. I definitely prefer writing at night, but it does have something to do with the kid-factor. That's when they're asleep!! :D

  12. Hah, NOT at all a night fact I am typically in bed around 9:30 and then up at 5:00. I love mornings and the silence with the world waking up in its own time! Great thoughts...

  13. Unfortunately, I'm a night owl in that I hate shutting off the day to go to bed, so I watch tv or read until way too late. Unless I get back into writing and it hooks me in until late.

    Generally, I like to sleep in and then work after breakfast, but sometimes I spend too much time browsing blogs when I should be working - like now! Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's off to work I go . . .

  14. LOL. I had four hours of sleep last night and got up to go to work. Yeah, that pic looks about right.

  15. Ha ha, I love that sleepy owl! I think I work best during the day, but my sweet spot is probably between 6 and 8 pm. I get a lot of work done at that time during the week. On Saturdays I'm most productive in the middle of the day. I can't write late at night or the computer screen makes me want to pass out. ZZZZZZZZZZZ........ :)

  16. I am definitely an early bird. I do my best work in the morning and turn into a pumpkin after 10 pm

  17. I do NOT like to rise with the sun. But after chasing toddlers all day, I'm not very productive in the evenings, either. So currently, my best time for writing is in the afternoons, while I still can string together a coherent thought. And also, the chocolate usually isn't gone by then, so I'm good.

    Becca @ The Bookshelf Muse

  18. LOL yeah, sometimes I'd like to go to bed early, but even when I try I end up tossing and turning for hours. It's a rare night that I'm asleep before midnight (even if I'm in bed trying) :)

  19. My main reason for writing at night is it's the quietest time.

  20. Mid-afternoon person here. Mornings too cold. Evenings too much excitement.

  21. I'm a morning person. Although I do sometimes catch the fading rays of the afternoon sunlight.


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