
Monday, May 28, 2012

Social Media Sites: What's Your Fave?

Confession: I've just started using Pinterest, and whoa, my productivity? Done. 

DONE, I tell you. 

But there's also Twitter and Facebook and Tumblr and, of course, blogs. Those suck up time out of my days, too. Anyone who can balance ze Internet and real life is my champion. For reals. 

Now tell me:

Do you blog/Tweet/Facebook/Tumbl/Pint? If you do more than one, which is your fave? 

Bonus points if you link to your pages! And if you'd like to find more authors/bloggers on either Tumblr or Pinterest, check out YA Highway's awesome roundup.

Now if you'll excuse me, I must continue adding pictures to my Jensen Ackles board on Pinterest. *stares at all the pretty* Feel free to follow me over at 

Can't wait to follow you back!! 

Happy Monday! :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm tempted to start Pinterest because I love photography. But I don't have time if I want to finish my novel. As it is, I'm rather slack when it comes to FB and tweeting. If I want to pick up on those activities, I'll have to drop to blogging only twice a week.

  3. I do four out of five: blog, FB, tweet and tumbl.

    I don't usually leave links at people's blogs asked. :)

    I blog.

    I tweet.

    I tumbl.

    And I have a Facebook page.

    As for Pinterest, well...I think I have enough on my plate. For now.

    And I forgot to mention which one is my favorite the first time I commented(oops). I'd say out of the four, blogging is probably my favorite, although I really enjoy Twitter and tumblr for their ability to connect with other people and share great content.

  4. I blog and read blogs and do Facebook. I'm thinking of joining Twitter but worry about more time on the Internet

  5. I blog, tweet, and tumbl, though the tumblr page I keep is mainly so I can follow other people's pages, not to post my own stuff. I've avoided Pinterest, because I know that would reduce my writing productivity to zero!

    You can find me at all the MittensMorgul-approved locations on blogger and twitter:

  6. I blog. And I have a love/hate relationship with it. In fact, on my "clean blog" I blog about my relationship with blogging. On my "dirty" blog I blog about my relationship with online dating.

    Fahrenheit 451 anyone?

  7. I follow a lot of writer blogs, but that's all the play time I allow myself. I don't think I'd ever get any writing done if I did the other things.

    I know I'm going to be in trouble later when it comes to marketing. :(


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