
Friday, August 31, 2012

Heads Up #2 - Contest TOMORROW!

Since our contests having been filling up so quickly, I thought it might be nice to post the rules today just so everyone has a chance to read them in advance in order to be better prepared for tomorrow. But first let me state:

This is not the contest post. DO NOT post entries on this post. The actual contest will go live TOMORROW SEPTEMBER 1ST AT 10 ET/9 CT/8 MT/ 7 PT. 

This post is merely a head's up so everyone is well aware of the rules for tomorrow's contest. :)

Okay, now down to the basics. First of all, tomorrow's contest will be a little different in that our mystery guest is an editor who will be offering First 10 page or query critiques as prizes! We are really excited to be hosting our first mystery editor and giving our awesome readers the opportunity to win a critique from him/her.

And as stated before, this will be a tweet pitch contest. Which means 140 characters or less (and yes, we will be checking your pitches so don't go over!!)

The rules for tomorrow's contest:

1) Entries must be left in the comments section of TOMORROW'S post, which will go live TOMORROW SEPTEMBER 1ST AT 10 ET (sorry for the caps, I just want to make sure that is very clear :) And remember, please don't email us your entries! They must be entered in the comments section of tomorrow's post) - don't pay attention to the comment numbers. We'll close the contest when we've reached our limit.

2) Please only pitch completed manuscripts.

3) You can only pitch one project. If you participated in previous MA contests, you can enter this one as well.

4) Please include TITLE and GENRE along with your pitch. (This does not count as part of your 140 characters. So, Title, genre, then a 140 character tweet pitch). Genres = MG, YA, and adult fiction (with a special interest in romance).

5) Your pitch must be 140 characters or less. A Twitter Pitch. If it's too long to tweet, it's too long to enter. We will be checking this so please do not go over the 140 character limit! (Again, this does not include the genre and title. The character limit only applies to the actual pitch).

6) The contest will close when we receive 50 qualifying entries.

7) The winner(s) will receive a critique on the first 10 pages of his/her manuscript or a query critique!

8) If the rules aren't followed, your pitch will be disqualified. Please read the guidelines and follow them.

So get those tweet pitches ready and we'll see everyone tomorrow! Good luck!


  1. Thanks for doing this! When/how are the winners generally announced? Do we check back for a new post? Do they email us?

  2. We will make a winner's post once we hear back from our agent/editor.


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