
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Short Story Reveal and Adoption

I know we don't frequently make posts about our personal lives outside of writing. But today I wanted to ask if you would support me on an adventure. My husband and I are adopting. We have three biological children of our own, but we felt led to add one more to our family. We are adopting a son from Bulgaria. However, adoption, especially over-seas adoption, has expenses up in the range of 30 thousand dollars.

So instead of traditional fundraising--which I might do yet, or mass garage sales, or selling cute,  handmade owls on etsy--I decided to use my writing skillz to raise funding. I also wanted to dip into self-publishing, to experience that side of the writing coin. It was something I had considered before my YA fantasy novel, The Emissary, sold to Month 9 Books. And I truly believe that self-published authors sometimes get the short end of the stick from those who are published traditionally. So even though I am being traditionally published myself, I wanted to experience the self-publishing route as well. And besides, a short story like this one doesn't always have an easy road to publication. And I'd love for it to be read.

So if you enjoy fantasy, or know someone who enjoys fantasy, or just want to support our adoption journey (which would be REALLY great) please consider checking out my short story, A Pulse Returned. Please also consider sharing this post with others. A tweet. A facebook link. Shouting it from the rafters. Whichever way you choose. There are links on my website if you'd like to support us, and hopefully be entertained in return. You can learn more about this story and find links to purchase it HERE.

My cover was designed by the incredible artist, Zach Schoenbaum. Please check out his website at  He does commissions, if you are looking for someone. And you just might see more of his work here on OA in the near future.

Oh, one interesting thing about this story. I wrote it several years ago and tucked it away. Recently, I thought it would be a great short story to support our adoption. Then, and only then, did I remember my protagonist is adopted as well. Funny how things like that work out, eh?


  1. This is a stunning and original fantasy from Kristal -- highly recommended!

  2. I'll definitely check it out! Good luck with the adoption. :)

  3. It's not a genre I read much, but I really loved this story. I highly recommend! :)

  4. I hope the adoption goes well! Excited for you! And I'll be checking out your short story:)


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