
Monday, October 8, 2012

Announcement Part 2: OUR BIG NEWS!

Good morning. How are you today? Because I'm EXCELLENT.

Why? Well, I can finally spill the deets on our super secret news! *screams until throat is raw* You see, we here at Operation Awesome love helping people. Especially writer people. That's why we host our Mystery Agent contests. We get a huge kick out of offering writing tips, too. 

But we wanted to take things up a notch. We wanted to do more for our beloved writer people. Naturally, we found ourselves wondering how to go about this. There's a lot to be said and done when it comes to helping out writers, after all. One of the things that struck us is how much writing is rewriting. And with NaNoWriMo just around the corner, discussions about revision are crucial. No one wants to send out a less-than-the-best manuscript in the new year, after all.

So. The OA team came up with an idea.

Are you ready? ARE YOU READY? Yes? Good. Here we go.


Ladies and gents, we're launching our first ever, totally free, awesome-filled online conference! Yes, you read that right. An online conference focused primarily on revisions. It is called...

New Year's Revisions Conference!!!
January 4th-6th, 2013 



Okay. Now you know.  In 2013, the OA team is bringing you three days worth of goodies from authors, agents, and editors, all of whom are committed to giving you the revision tools you need. 


One of the conference events will be a Q&A thread with agents! Here's how it'll work: email us your best, most pressing revision questions to OperationAwesome6 (at) gmail (dot) com! Our awesome agents will answer YOUR questions, and we'll feature them during the Q&A thread of the conference. Folks, you have until October 31st to submit your questions, so think reeeeeeally hard about what you want our agents to talk about. Disclaimer: Limit one question per person. You don't have to be a blog follower to submit a question, so go ahead and send! 

That's all the juice I have for now! But no worries--we'll spill even more details as the conference draws nearer! Pinky swear.

And if you could be a dear and spread the word about the New Year's Revisions Conference, I'd love you forever. :)

Happy Monday!


  1. Very cool, sounds like a great event!

  2. This sounds awesome. I can't wait.

  3. So cool! You guys have always been amazing, and now I'm just in awe. Can't wait!

  4. That sounds fantastic! Can't wait! :D

  5. Wow! That is completely aweosme! :)

  6. Woot! So excited for this! Revisions always kick my butt and I plan to listen carefully to the experts this January!

  7. Wow! This is so exciting! Can't wait!

  8. Oh.



    Reading this just gave me goosebumps and a good dose of writer juice. You guys ROCK, ya know?


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