
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Savvy Authors NaNo Boot Camp and Entangled Smack Down!

(The following info was taken from the Savvy site - check out the original post for all the details!)

So what is this boot camp/smack down of which I speak? Sheer awesomeness, that's what! :D Here's the 411:

This program is essentially basic training to help authors succeed during NaNo Boot Camp.

If you've ever wanted to learn how to write Category Romance this is an amazing opportunity. At least two editors from all the Entangled imprints will be on hand teaching you how to incorporate tropes into your manuscripts to deliver a satisfying read in half the word count.

So - What is NaNo Boot Camp - Entangled Smack Down? 

It consists of 3 parts:

  • Recruit Day: On Saturday, October 20th, participants will pitch a one page synopsis to Entangled Publishing editors before Basic Training week begins. Editors will be available to discuss ideas with participants and give tips on how to get the most out of the week long Basic Training workshop. 
  •  Basic Training: Monday, October 22nd through Friday, October 26th, Entangled editors will break into groups for each imprint and mentor recruits as they prepare their novels for NaNo Boot Camp. This includes various craft elements. 
  •  Savvy NaNo Boot Camp: Boot Camp runs Thursday, November 1st through Friday, November 30th, and recruits are expected to write 50,000 words in 30 days, or 1,667 words daily. Recruits are split into teams of 5 and teams compete with words written per day (no editing in Boot Camp!) Entangled recruits will remain with their Basic Training teams throughout the event.
Each Entangled imprint has specific information for what the authors will be doing and what the editors will be offering, so be sure to head to the site (link above) to check out the specific details.

This is seriously an amazingly cool opportunity. If you are at all interested in writing romance, this is a must check out!!! You do need to be a member of Savvy Authors to participate (which I believe is $30 to sign up - btw totally worth it because SA always has a ton of amazing stuff going on).

To check out Savvy Authors and how to become a member, go HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a cool opportunity! Thanks, Michelle! It looks like your publisher is doing some really cool things these days.

    And I have always wanted to learn how to write a romance. I'll seriously consider spending the $30.


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