
Thursday, November 29, 2012

S&S and Author Solutions...Thoughts?

All right - I have many thoughts on this but am curious what everyone else is thinking.

I read this article by David Gaughran yesterday that I found interesting.

Okay, I will go into a little of my own background. When I was a brand new writer just starting out, I wrote  a picture book (one that I still think would be awesome but definitely needs work). Anyhow, while sitting at my computer one night, I got an email from Author House (owned by Author Solutions). They'd heard of me and wanted to publish me.

I was so excited. And I mean THRILLED. Called everyone in my family. This publisher had contacted ME. Wanted to publish ME. And they only wanted to charge me $60 for a preliminary edit along with a few other things that I was thinking sounded totally reasonable.

I printed out the contract. Had the camera ready to take pictures of me signing the contract. And then decided that maybe it sounded a little too good to be true, so I did a little research....and promptly ripped up the contract. I was disappointed. More than that, really. But glad I'd gotten out before I'd gotten ripped off.

So I find this whole hook-up a bit...well, interesting. And not in a good way...


Don't forget about the Mystery Agent contest on Saturday!! Get those one line pitches polished!


  1. I don't know. I think they're scrambling to make money. It's interesting to see the changes taking place, but one has to be cautious too. **shrugs** I guess we'll see.

  2. It's very disturbing to see the big houses lining up with such a shady company.


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