
Monday, December 24, 2012

New Year's Revisions Conference: A Peek At Our Lineup!!!

So. Our lineup for the New Year's Revisions Conference is amazeballs. But don't take my word for it. I'm here today to share a little sneak peek at our guest authors/bloggers/agents! 

Between January 4th-6th, expect serious awesomeness from these authors/bloggers:

Elana Johnson
Phoebe North
Cole Gibsen
E.J. Patten
Lauren Morrill
Jennifer Nielsen
Lisa Amowitz
Amanda Bonilla
Gennifer Albin
Gretchen McNeil
Kate Hart

And make sure to check out the super useful advice by some of our guest literary agents:

Natalie Lakosil 
(who's also participating in our Q&A!)
Taylor Martindale

There are even MORE surprises in our lineup, but guess what? You'll have to wait until next Monday for the last New Year's Revisions Conference news (including our guests' topics AND the full conference schedule)!! Then don't miss our January Mystery Agent Contest on January 1st, a few days before the NYRC! So yeah. We're kind of giving you the best New Year's gifts ever. 

Because you totally deserve them.

Happy Holidays, everyone!!


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