
Friday, April 5, 2013

What's your writing playlist?

TGIF, Chez Awesome! And it can't come soon enough, MY GOODNESS. I am absolutely slammed, both at the day job and with writing things, so I apologize for the shorter post today - I've used up all my coherency on this manuscript. I've got lots more writing where that came from this weekend (my deadlines may be self-imposed at the moment, but they are deadlines nonetheless!) and in preparation, I've had my writing playlist on a loop.

I'm sure there are writers out there who don't rely on music for their plotting sessions, but I don't actually know any of them. My playlists tend to be pretty eclectic - some songs fit really, really well, and some just have the right tone, or have one lyric that's absolutely perfect . Just taking a quick look at my playlist, here are some of the songs on high rotation:

- Florence and the Machine everything (but especially Howl, Rabbit Heart, Seven Devils, No Light No Light, and Drumming Song)
- Haunted, by Poe
- The Funeral, by Band of Horses
- Paradise Circus, by Massive Attack
- King and Lionheart, by Of Monsters and Men
- Apres Moi, by Regina Spektor
- Bones, by MS MR

And now that I'm writing it out like this, I can see a slight tendency toward the dramatic in most of these... but high drama totally works for a writing soundtrack :)

How about you guys? What's on your writing playlist right now? (And more importantly, can I steal it? What can I say, I'm always on the hunt.)


  1. As I just tweeted, I'm currently obsessed with Hammock's Departure Songs album (which I've been listening to in full while writing - unless I can't get past the first song, Cold Front!)

    It's a new development for me since usually I'm writing to scores by Hans Zimmer, Thomas Newman, James Horner, Atticus Ross or Antonio Pinto.

    1. Ooooh, I'm unfamiliar with them. To iTunes with me!

    2. Oooh, you will have to tell me what you think of Cold Front!

  2. Love Florence. Did you discover MS MR thanks to the most recent Game of Thrones trailer by any chance? Cos that's how I found them. Great music!

    1. Quite so! I loved that trailer and the song caught my attention immediately. I find that I get a lot of great songs from trailers, actually.

  3. I mostly go to the Live Music archive's Grateful Dead section and find a concert that strikes my fancy. One show can get you a good 2-1/2, 3 hours (not to everyone's tastes, however).


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