
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Writing Munchies

When I'm writing, I have to constantly bribe myself past that sinking feeling of impending failure fuel my magnificent engine of creativity. Of course there's the staple, the life-blood of writers—coffee, to be sipped constantly. I like to munch on fresh blueberries and grapes while I work, too. They're small and unmessy and tasty and I can eat them without slowing down my writing process. But the heat of a first draft or a mind-boggling revision requires fuel a bit more refined. Refined sugar, that is. M&Ms and Pez are my favorites.

And now there are pretzel M&Ms, mint M&Ms, orange M&Ms . . . there are seriously some candy geniuses hard at work making my day with all those flavors.

Of course, really tough going or really great progress calls for a break and something messier—chocolate cookies with peanut butter chips dipped in milk. My comfort or my reward, depending on which reasoning best suits my craving.

Do writing and munching go hand in hand—or hand to mouth—for you, too? What's your favorite writing munchie?


  1. Pez? Haven't had those in a very long time. Me? Coffee and yogurt. I swore off sugar long ago. It's bad enough not yet being pub'd, but fat and unpub'd? Not.

  2. Any kind of sweets for me but I'm eating a lot of midget gems at the moment.

  3. Dark chocolate or Ghirardelli's Hazelnut hot chocolate made with almond milk.

  4. *GASP* Life without sugar?! Say it ain't so, Em!

    Mama J, I'm off to research "midget gems."

    Angelica, you win the Fancy Muncher prize!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Oops, was logged in as OA on Google so I'm posting again under my name.

      Options are limited for gluten/dairy free so I may as well eat the good stuff!

  5. I enjoy Swedish fish. Or watermelon sourpatch. -RB Austin

  6. I like to pretend I'm munching by chewing gum.

    But did you know.. the act of chewing helps you focus longer? At school, they let my kids chew gum during testing.. but not at any other time. Just google "chewing gum helps thinking" for all the studies. And make it sugarfree. ;-)

  7. Ha! Sounds familiar. I reward myself with a scant handful of dark chocolate M&Ms too, every day after I make my word quota! Mmm...M&Ms. (Coincidentally, I posted about exactly that just yesterday on my blog!

  8. Yum, Swedish fish!

    I'm glad I'm not the only muncher. And now, thanks to Toni, I have scientific evidence that munching goes with writing!

  9. Ooh, I just found midget gems and they look delicious! The green ones are lime! Don't get me started on how every American candy maker has switched their green from lime flavor to awful green apple. :(


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