
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

A New Release!! A Bandit's Broken Heart by Michelle McLean

Toni graciously let me steal her day so I could share my new release with you :) A Bandit's Broken Heart is the second book in the Blood Blade Sisters trilogy and tells the eldest sister, Brynne's, story. My blog tour will be kicking up next week (and we'll be giving away some fun prizes so stay tuned!). But for now, here is the gorgeous cover, blurb and book trailer! :)

A Bandit's Broken Heart (Blood Blade Sisters #2)

A woman with a past

Widowed mother, Brynne Richardson, gave up her bandit activities when she left California to make a fresh start with her young daughter in Boston. Working for a handsome doctor fulfills her need to be useful and independent, but he creates another yearning she cant deny.

A man with a purpose

Dr. Richard Oliver assumes Brynne is just another debutante hunting for a rich husband, until she intrigues him with her steady hand for stitchesand guns. He cant put her out of his mind, but the young widow has mysteries hes determined to unravel.

A love in danger

When smugglers raid the much-needed supplies from the clinic, Brynne must resurrect her bandit persona for the good of the sick and the poor. Her secret life threatens to destroy everything shes worked so hard to protect her life, her family and her heart.

 Buy Links: Amazon | iBooks | B&N | Kobo | All Romance eBooksAdd to Goodreads


  1. Definitely a case of the cover and trailer making me want to read it even more!


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