
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Angus MacBain Fantasy Giveaway

In celebration of the release of my novel, Angus MacBain and The Island of Sleeping Kings--my publisher and I are having a magical 7 day giveaway! 

If the winner is in the United States: An eBook copy of Angus MacBain and The Island of Sleeping Kings and a swag pack that contains goodies like magnets, pens, pencils, stickers, a notebook, a stylist, a mystical bag of stones and map, and bookmarks. 

If winner is International: eBook copy of Angus MacBain and The Island of Sleeping Kings, bookmark, and a $5 Amazon gift card.
For a list of blogs hosting the contest please visit Juniper Grove Book Solutions and enter today!

 Good Luck!!  
Have a Great Weekend! 


Add your awesome here: