
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Editing Brain and Harry Potter Announcement

So the last few months, I've been doing my developmental edits for my book, The Emissary. Let's just say when you start using your fantasy cuss words in real life, you know you've been editing a lot.

I should finish up today or tomorrow (thank Brim), but even so, it's hard to get my darkforsaken mind off of it. I just keep telling myself that I only have to read it a few more times.

Ahem... Anyhow, that being said. Today is my blog post day, and I've still got editing brain. So I'll start off by asking our followers a question:

What are some ways you keep your editing fresh and your mind focused, when you've edited your manuscript ten million times already?

The second part of my post has to do with the buzz going on this morning. If you haven't seen the announcement yet, J.K.Rowling posted this on her facebook page:

Warner Bros. announced on 12th September 2013 that J.K. Rowling would be making her screenwriting debut with 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them', the first in a new film series which is part of their expanded creative partnership with J.K. Rowling. The films will be inspired by Harry Potter’s Hogwarts textbook of the same name, and will feature the book’s fictitious author, Newt Scamander.

“It all started when Warner Bros. came to me with the suggestion of turning 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them' into a film. I thought it was a fun idea, but the idea of seeing Newt Scamander, the supposed author of 'Fantastic Beasts', realized by another writer was difficult. Having lived for so long in my fictional universe, I feel very protective of it and I already knew a lot about Newt. As hard-core Harry Potter fans will know, I liked him so much that I even married his grandson, Rolf, to one of my favourite characters from the Harry Potter series, Luna Lovegood.

As I considered Warners’ proposal, an idea took shape that I couldn’t dislodge. That is how I ended up pitching my own idea for a film to Warner Bros.

Although it will be set in the worldwide community of witches and wizards where I was so happy for seventeen years, 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them' is neither a prequel nor a sequel to the Harry Potter series, but an extension of the wizarding world. The laws and customs of the hidden magical society will be familiar to anyone who has read the Harry Potter books or seen the films, but Newt’s story will start in New York, seventy years before Harry’s gets underway.

I particularly want to thank Kevin Tsujihara of Warner Bros. for his support in this project, which would not have happened without him. I always said that I would only revisit the wizarding world if I had an idea that I was really excited about and this is it.”

Our family has recently been re-watching the Harry Potter movies. So I'm pretty exited to see what she does with it.  How about you?


  1. Oooo interesting! I hadn't seen that. Could be fun!

  2. Awesome! And congrats on finishing your edits. I chuckled at your fantasy cuss words.

  3. Wow that's fabulous! I'd heard talk of another HP book, but this could be just as exciting.

  4. Wow! I hadn't heard the HP news. Very cool. And good luck with those final edits. Your question hits home because I'm about to start ANOTHER revision of a well-revised WIP. Sigh. We shall see if I keep my mind fresh, but my only method is space. I've had some space between edits (while beta-readers critiques for me).

  5. Super excited for the new series! Movies are great but I would LOVE the books even more.


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