
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

International Book Giving Day 2014

Celebrate International Book Giving Day on February 14th!

Just a quick note to share that Friday, February 14th (Valentine's Day) is International Book Giving Day, which I think is awesome! :D In this day and age there are so many ways to get books (dollar stores, the dollar section at Target, used book stores, your kid's bookshelf, and so on) that it's easier than ever to share the book love. :)

Not sure how to participate? I've copied and pasted this straight from their website:

Three simple ways to celebrate International Book Giving Day!

1. Give a Book to a Friend or Relative.
Celebrate International Book Giving Day by giving a child a new, used or borrowed book.
2. Leave a Book in a Waiting Room or Lobby.
Choose a waiting room where kids are stuck waiting and there are few to no good books available. Purchase a good book, and deposit your book covertly or overtly in your waiting room of choice. The goal here is to spread the love of reading to kids, so choose a fun book, nothing controversial.
3. Donate a Book.
Wrap up a box of children’s books that your kids have outgrown and get them in the hands of children who could really use a book or two. Donate your books to your local second hand store, library, children’s hospital, or shelter. Alternatively, donate your books to an organization working internationally to get books in the hands of kids, such as Books for Africa.

You can find posters in other languages and a brief explanation of International Book Giving Day and this year's artist, HERE. Let's share the book love, ya'll! :)


  1. What a fun idea! I'll be at the sanctuary on Friday, but I suspect that if I gave the cats a book they'd just pee on it. I'll have to branch out my giving for this one!

  2. Thanks for the great post!

    It's good to have you on board!


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