
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Peeta Won Me Over

I went and saw Catching Fire for my birthday. I was very excited as this is one of my favorite series and book 2 is (by a small margin) my favorite book of the series. Watching Gale and Peeta strut their hotness across the screen got me thinking about bad boys vs good guys.

When I first read The Hunger Games, I was totally Team Gale. By the end of the book, I was on the fence. Peeta was just sooo sweet. By the end of book 2 I was even more conflicted because Gale is just hot and fiery and a bit of a bad boy (and I love me some bad boys). But Peeta...OMG Peeta. With the nighttime cuddling and constant sacrifice and his whispered "Always", he was just killing me. In a good way ;-) By the end of book 3, I was firmly entrenched in the Peeta camp and haven't budged since (though Gale can still make me drool a little) ;-)

I found this a bit curious because I'm generally a bad boy lover through and through and Peeta is anything BUT a bad boy. He can fight when he has to, he is definitely strong, courageous. But he is NOT a bad boy. Not even a little. Not even in the midst of the games or at the end after everything he's gone through. But you know, that unswerving devotion (minus his Captial-engineered freak out) is just hard to resist. :-) After reading the whole series, I think book 2 became my favorite mostly because that is the book where the Katniss and Peeta get a little lip action and snuggle time :-D It takes a special kind of character to woo me from the dark side, and Peeta Mellark is just such a character :)

Are you Team Peeta or Team Gale? Like good guys or bad boys? Or a bit of both? ;-)

(originally blogged on The Naked Hero)


  1. I'm pretty sure I was the same way: not fully in the Peeta camp until Catching Fire. The worst thing about Mockingjay was what happened to Peeta. I haven't even been able to re-read the book because I hated what they did to him.

    1. I know :( And the ending always bugged me a bit. I liked it for the most part but wished it had been expanded a little, just so we got a little more of them finally together.

  2. I was Team Peeta from the start and was planning on throwing a fit if she didn't end up with him, lol.

  3. In the book, I like Peeta better as a partner for Katniss.

    But onscreen--come on, no f*#$@ing contest. Gale all the way.

    1. LOL!!! Well, it's kind of hard to compete with a Hemsworth :D

    2. Having said that, I just rewatched Catching Fire and Peeta is looking pretty buff. Not too shabby ;)

  4. I'm totally Team Gale :P Peeta irritates me because he's too nice. Gale is more edgy and more appealing because it, though I'm clearly in the minority here lol!

    1. lol that's the way I felt until book 3. Gale goes a little off the deep end for me though in that book :D

  5. As far as the movies go, Team Gale (so far). As the books go, Peeta won me over at the end. Also, if you haven't seen it yet, Coldplay wrote a beautiful song for the Catching Fire soundtrack called "Atlas." I've attempted to link to it here:

    1. Ah, I hadn't heard that. It is beautiful, thanks for sharing! :)

  6. I was already team Peeta, but Josh MADE it. Especially in Catching Fire. He did great. That scene at the beginning with the cameras? Ooh. BURN, baby.


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