
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

#Pitmad: Defining Your Story in 140 Characters or Less


Well, it's that time again...time for #Pitmad on Twitter. It's a crazy day filled with endless RTs and creative ways to define your completed and polished manuscript in 140 characters or less (and it's less because you have to include category and hashtag in the tweet).

Don't know what Pitmad is? It's a day long Twitter pitch party hosted by the amazing contest hostess with the mostest, Brenda Drake. From 8am EST to 8pm EST, you can pitch your book (any category & genre) in the feed. Literary agents and publishers will scroll through the feed and favorite those pitches they'd like to see. Most times, agents/publishers will give specifics as to what materials they want submitted after they favorite.

It's a fun day and a great way to learn how to pitch, but there are rules:

1) You can only pitch 2x/hour

2) Pitch should include category (PB, MG, YA, NA, Adult) as well as #Pitmad designation (or you won't see it in the feed.)

3) It's okay to RT pitches you like so they have more exposure in the feed, but don't hit the "favorite" button - this is reserved for agents or publishers who want to see more.

4) Don't pitch directly at agents - use #Pitmad and agents will see everything in the feed

Want more details? Check out this link on Brenda Drake's blog:

If you're participating in the pitch frenzy today, good luck and may you get many favorites!


  1. I'm not participating this time around, but I have in the past. it was so much fun, and a mini-education to see all the pitches--what works and what doesn't.

  2. Just entered. We'll see what happens!


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