
Monday, May 26, 2014

Can I Write Off Inspiration On My Taxes?

I just got back from a three-week-long visit to Ireland, England, and Scotland and am still jetlagged! This trip was partly to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary (as if I need an excuse to go to that part of the world) and partly to do some research on the Celtic lands.

My forthcoming novel, Crow's Rest, draws from Celtic mythology and faerie lore pretty heavily, so it seemed only appropriate that I see some of the sites that birthed these stories. I've come back armed with thousands of photos (that's not an exaggeration) and some video footage that might find its way into a Crow's Rest book trailer.

I also made note of travel plans that worked, and those that didn't, for future articles to sell. We opted for self-catering cottages and I'm so glad we did--made the eating for food allergies so much easier. Plus, we had the bonus of having cottages in the gorgeous countryside all to ourselves!

I'm sure I'll be tying this trip into other posts, but for now please excuse my fatigue and enjoy one of the pictures from a graveyard in Ireland. It shares a site with a ruined church founded by St. Finian in the 7th century:


  1. Sounds fantastic. I love visiting inspirational places.

  2. Fun trip! Sounds like a GREAT write-off to me. (seriously!) :-)

  3. Sounds like a fun trip.
    As for the write off- depends on how good your accountant is.

  4. Thanks everybody! I was really hoping that a meeting would come through with the UK film production company that has some interest in Crow's Rest while we were over there--then there'd be no question of the writeoff! That stuff is still in the works, but I'll have to look into which percentage of this was business-related for tax stuff once I'm more coherent.


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