
Saturday, June 21, 2014

River of Bones Trailer~Promote Your Novel With A Book Trailer !

Hi everyone,

Hope you are enjoying your weekend. I wanted to share with you my book trailer for River of Bones!

I believe that one of the best ways to promote your novel is with a book trailer. Most trailers are short but extremely effective. The majority of book trailers should have a running time of one to three minutes. I have found that short and sweet is best. Be sure to give a good overview of what your book is about and where people can purchase it. I find that by using book trailers you can reach a wider audience in a shorter amount of time.

Have a book trailer ? Send me a link to it in the comments!


  1. Holy crap! You about gave me a heart attack at the absolute end! 'Course I am such a huge chicken, lol! This was fantastic! How did you get all your footage?

  2. Thanks Leandra! Its all live footage- filmed on site! :) I'm a chicken too! glad you liked it :)

  3. I needed to get started on my book trailer! I laid down some audio the other day, and this has inspired me to get looking through all the video footage I have.

    Love this one!

  4. Great Angelica! I'm looking forward to seeing yours!

  5. Great trailer. Question: are there any copyright issues if you use a song for a book trailer? As long as you credit it, does it matter? Or did you get the rights to the song?

  6. Thanks Aimee! We did obtain the right to use the song. I would suggest that anyone who makes a trailer and has legal questions should consult an attorney. It is always good to error on the side of caution.

  7. Excellent!!! Creepy too. My trailers aren't quite as impressive but here is my youtube channel:

  8. I forgot I changed my channel to my actual name: kathleensallen on youtube.

  9. That was terrific! It definitely made me want to rush out and find that book! Well done.


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