
Saturday, November 8, 2014


Happy Saturday everyone!

I'm curled up on the couch with a goal of watching all the movies made by the director and producer of a film based on my novel, The Forlorned. I am so excited to have the talented and beautiful Elizabeth Mouton as one of the stars in this upcoming motion picture. You can check out her IMBD credits and read more about her here.

While I was writing The Forlorned, I pictured someone who looked very similar to Elizabeth. It will be so fun to see my vision come alive on the big screen. The rest of the casting will take place November 15th--and I hope to get some really great behind the scenes footage to share with you.

Also if anyone has any questions about screenwriting or breaking into movies, please contact me. I am always happy to help you the best I can.

In the meantime--check out my blog. I'm having a fun contest. All you have to do is become a follower and you will be entered for a chance to win a cool popcorn/candy package.

Check it out here


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