
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

New Feature: Wednesday Debut Interview

There are a TON of great books coming out in 2015, and many of them are the debuts, the author's first published novel.

As a writer pursuing publication, I love hearing about the exciting time in an author's life when their first novel that they've put so much work into finally becomes available to the world. So for 2015, I'm planning a monthly blog post in which I'll interview a debut writer, and give us all an opportunity to hear a bit about them, their new book, and how they got to that point.

In the interest of variety, I'm putting out the call here for debuts in all categories (children's books, middle grade, YA, New Adult, and Adult) and all publication routes (self-pub, small/independent press, and trade publishing). Since I'll only be featuring one per month, and some months have more debuts than others, not every one will be selected, but if you are interested in participating, please email me at wendynikel @ (no spaces) with the following information:

- byline/pen name
- name of book
- publisher
- release date
- genre/category
- tagline

Hope to hear from you soon!

NOTE: I will update this post when all months have been filled!

UPDATED 12/19:
I've received a WONDERFUL outpouring of interest, so much so that I think I'm going to feature two debut authors per month instead of just one, with a super-special quadruple-feature in May. The only months that still have slots open at this time are

- November

- December

Thus far it seems we have a great mix of Big Five, Independent, and Small Press publishers, but I'd love to get one or two more self-published authors to weigh in! We also have a good mix of Middle Grade, YA, NA, and Adult; I'd love to get another picture book author on board!

Thanks again for all of your help in spreading the word -- I'm VERY excited about having the opportunity to interview so many fabulous authors!


  1. I love this idea! Sounds like we'll meet 12 exciting new authors.

  2. Sounds great--I just send you an email with my info.

  3. Darn, my book came out in August of this year. I would've loved to do the debut author interview.


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