
Sunday, March 8, 2015

March Mystery Agent Reveal and Winners!

Meant to get this post out earlier today, but life does happen! However, without further ado, let's meet our Mystery Agent!

The wonderful Laura Zats of Red Sofa Literary! And the winners are...

FULL REQUEST (including query):
Name: Carissa Taylor
Genre: YA sci-fi
Word Count: 95,000

PARTIAL REQUEST (query + 3 chapters):
Name: Kelly deVos / THE SIX
Word Count: 65,000

Name: Krista Wayment
Genre: MG Science Fiction
Word Count: 42,000

Name: Laura Rueckert
Genre: YA Science Fiction
Word Count: 79,000

Name: Aniko Rajci
Genre: YA Fantasy
Word Count: 75,000

Please email us a operationawesome6 (at) gmail (dot) com with the subject March MA Winner for further instructions.

Laura was kind enough to answer a few questions for us so we can get to know her a little better.

Any tips for writers struggling with their pitches? Common mistakes you see in them?
The biggest mistake I see authors make is either going too big or too small. Some people just can’t resist giving me enough details to amount to almost an entire synopsis. Other authors live in the Land of the Vague, where “ordinary girls” roam in packs and decide to either “put everything on the line for love” or save the world.

What books have you read lately that you’ve fallen in love with (manuscripts you’re currently working with or others)?
Published books I’ve fallen in love with lately include ANCILLARY JUSTICE, Lev Grossman’s THE MAGICIANS, and ALTHEA & OLIVER.
All are odd, quirky, and push the envelope in some way.

What are you seeing a lot of in your slush pile lately? What would you like to see? What are you tired of?
As someone who reps YA, I get tired of a lot of stuff really easily, because I see it a ton!
Things currently on the hit list include:
Horror movie creatures (including Death)
Chosen Ones
Tolkienesque fantasy
“Normal” or “Ordinary” characters who fall in love with a popular guy

What do I want to see?
Diversity of all kinds
Non-Western settings

Any exciting news to share?
The first book in my list, Aimee Hyndman’s HOUR OF MISCHIEF is slated to come out this fall!

And a few just for fun:

Favorite caffeinated beverage?
Tea! Lady Grey tea, to be exact.

Sea or mountains?
Er…both. As long as I’m in the shade!

Chocolate or bacon?

Ebook or print book?

Favorite TV show?
Three-way tie between Buffy, Doctor Who, and Breaking Bad.

Thank you so much to Laura for being our Mystery Agent this month! And congrats to all the winners!

Stay tuned for info on our next Mystery Agent contest!

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