
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Tuesday = Museday

I have a really crafty writer friend named Em. She used to live around the corner from me, and when she moved she gave me an awesome present: a writer's block! No, no, hear me out. It's a good thing. She took a box and modge-podged pages of an old book (sacrilege, but we'll make an exception because it looks cool) all over it. Then she wrapped little things in tin foil to go inside the box. The idea is that whenever I am not feeling creative, or need a writing prompt, I can take something at random out of the box and work with it. What a cool gift for a writer!

So this is my virtual writer's block. Take the prompt below, and incorporate it into your WIP (work in progress). Or write a flash fiction story about it. Or think about something completely unrelated and use that to fuel your writing.
For fun, put an excerpt from whatever you do with the prompt on your blog, and link to it in the comments. One random person will win a query critique from me! If you want the critique, include your Twitter handle so I can contact you easily (and so I know you are interested in the critique).

Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs

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