
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

NaNoWriMo Prep: You CAN do it!

So here we are, the last Tuesday before NaNoWriMo begins. I can only speak for myself, but MAN. I am dying to write. I usually take a writing break in October, saving my free time for plotting and whatnot (for more on the whatnot, see the previous prep posts). So come November 1st, it feels like the words are dying to come out.
However you've chosen to prepare for NaNoWriMo '15, I want to leave you with one last piece of advice: Tell yourself you can do it. We've already established that yes, it is hard to write 50,000 words in a month. Now let's establish that yes, YOU, of all people, can do it. I believe in you. I hope you believe in you, too.
Be sure to sign up at if you haven't yet. If you'd like to add me as a writing buddy, my user name is karareynolds.
I typically post excerpts of my work every 10,000 words or so on my personal blog. If you do the same, and you'd like to be featured on Operation Awesome, send me an e-mail during November and I'll schedule you in. If you'd like to blog about your experience as a first-time NaNo-er, we'd love to hear that, too! Perhaps you have a great story about how NaNoWriMo changed your life? Send it along. All e-mails should be addressed to me (Kara), at and include "NaNoWriMo" in the subject line.
Good luck!


  1. I have buddied you. I'm excited for NaNo!

  2. Ok, I'm going to try it out. This is Taryn, not sure why I'm so Unknown, but maybe this NaNoWriMo book will change all that. But probably not. I decided that it's crazy for me to commit to this with all of the projects I have going on, Christmas projects coming up, and wanting to finish the two books I have started already. And I'm a little crazy, so why not? I have wanted to try for a couple years. Last year I was going to use it to work on a book I had already started, but I read a lot of elitist/NaNo Purist complaints about people not starting from scratch and got discouraged. This year I have a new idea I've been dying to try out, so here goes nothin'.


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