
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Submission is now open for WRITE TYPE CP MATCH

We've talked a lot on Operation Awesome about the importance of finding good critique partners. A critique partner is critical to making your manuscript into its best version. They are good for sounding off when you have new ideas. They provide a shoulder to lean on through the querying and submission process. They are, in short, absolutely crucial.
If you don't have writer friends in real life, however, it can be tricky to find them. The Twitter online writing community is a goldmine of opportunities to find other writers, but how do you know if you'll really gel with one of them? I've had bad, good, and amazing experiences with finding CPs online, and it's still nerve-wracking for me to approach a new person with my work.

In an attempt to bridge that gap, WRITE TYPE CP Match was created! It's run by Kimberly VanderHorst, Caitlyn McFarland, and Rebecca Blevins. The basic idea is that you post a snippet of your work, along with details about yourself and your critique style. Then you browse through the other submissions, looking for people you might want to work with. If you tag someone who also tags you, it's a match!

It's like online dating for writers.

Anyhoo, I think it's a fabulous idea, and if you're looking for CPs--no matter where you are in the publication process--I suggest you head over to and submit. You have until December 3rd!

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