
Monday, February 29, 2016

Tuesday Museday... sort of

I know it isn't Tuesday, but hear me out: Tuesday got reserved for our book club post so I took Monday instead.
On that note, if you've read The Martian, by Andy Weir, join us tomorrow for our book club discussion!

Your character has favorite things, just like real people do. You may think it isn't important whether your character prefers chocolate to caramel, or red to blue, but those things inform who we are as people and can add depth to a character. So this Museday, make a list of some of your characters' favorite things, and think of ways to incorporate them into your novel. Bonus points if they actually affect the plot!

And even though it's not Tuesday, I'm still offering a critique to go along with this post. Let me know in the comments if you'd like fresh eyes on your query or Twitter pitch (both #PitMad and #DVPit are coming up!). I'll randomly select people for critiques, so include your Twitter handle or e-mail address so I can contact you if you are selected for a critique!


  1. Great! I would love fresh eyes on my query, thank you!!

    1. I hope you see this! Send your query to operationawesome6 at gmail with my name somewhere in the subject line.

  2. A friend of mine recommended this blog, and I've spent hours reading old posts. Lots of helpful and interesting information, thanks to all of you for putting this together.

    I'd really appreciate another set of eyes on my query.

    1. Glad to hear it! Send your query to operationawesome6 at gmail with my name somewhere in the subject line.

  3. Hi, Kara. Are you still offering critique for queries? I'd be interested!

    1. Sure, why not! Follow the same instructions above.

  4. Hi Kara, I found your blog via Twitter and think Pass or Pages is awesome. I would love fresh eyes on my query if you're still accepting them for critique.

    1. Sorry, Tina, but three critiques is all I can handle this week. Never fear; I run Tuesday Museday every couple weeks, so you'll have another chance if you're still interested!

    2. Thanks for your response!


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