
Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Books on Writing

I really love books about writing. Whether they are straight-up "how-to" craft books or more inspirational books, they are my jam. Last year I finally got around to On Writing, by Stephen King, which I enjoyed immensely. (You can read the OA discussion of the book here.) The year before that I discovered Save the Cat! by Blake Snyder, which has helped me think about plot in different ways.

This year I'm reading The Breakout Novelist, by Donald Maass. I've heard good thing about his other books, and this one is supposed to be a sort of compilation of them, so I'm looking forward to getting into it and using it to examine my WIP.

What writing book should I read next? Let me know in the comments!


  1. There are two books I love: DEEP POINT OF VIEW by Marcy Kennedy, which so plainly explains showing/telling, and THE KICK-ASS WRITER by Chuck Wendig, which I find both enlightening and motivational <3

  2. I second your recommendation of ON WRITING... I re-read it at least once every two years. I've heard nothing but raves for BIRD BY BIRD by Ann Lamott, thought I haven't read it myself.

  3. Thanks for the suggestions! To the TBR pile, Batman!


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