
Tuesday, April 3, 2018

C is for Camp NaNoWriMo #AtoZChallenge

Operation Awesome's #AtoZChallenge theme for 2018 is... 
OA to Z! We'll be correlating our usual posts with the challenge letters, plus, each weekend, you'll get a chance to get to know one of our bloggers better.

C is for Camp NaNoWriMo, a writing event I look forward to twice a year! While I love regular NaNoWriMo, it's actually quite difficult to serve as a Municipal Liaison and write 50K words in a month. But during Camp NaNo, I get to sit back, set my own goals, and stretch myself a little. It happens every April and July, and there's still time to sign up this month if you want to join! I highly recommend it.

My goal this month is to finish the first draft of my WIP and begin revising it. I'm so close! I think the added push of Camp will help me devote more time to this book. My husband is defending his master's thesis this month, and I'm helping put on a major fundraiser for my kids' school. It would be easy to take this month off from writing. With Camp NaNo's help, I'm hoping to keep my head in the writing game.

Are you doing Camp NaNo this month? What are your writing goals?

#AtoZChallenge 2018 Operation Awesome C is for Camp NaNo


  1. I did Nano a few Novembers ago. Got to 35,000 words, which for me is a good showing. Haven't done it since tho. Good luck in finishing your WiP!


  2. All the best for Camp NaNo. Sounds like you've got a lot going on. :-)

  3. I'm going to try to do NaNoWriMo one year. I never seem to find the time though!


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