
Tuesday, August 28, 2018

September Pass or Pages Details

It's time to announce the category and genre of our next Pass Or Pages contest! In September, Pass Or Pages will focus on: 

Young Adult Fairy Tales, Folktales, or Myths, retold with diverse characters

Please do not send us MG entries; we can tell the difference.

Here are the important dates for this round:
September 4th: Agent panel announcement
September 10th-12th: Entry window (via a form here on our blog)
September 24th-28th: Feedback reveals!

For a recap of the rules and links to previous rounds, click here. Best of luck!


  1. May I ask what your qualifications are for a fairy tale? I've always pitched my book as a "dark fairy tale" but it's not directly based off retelling any one story. Basically, I'd say closer to Holly Black's Tithe than Marissa Meyer's Cinder in terms of fairy tale content. Thank you!

    1. Nothing says lovin like kids in the oven...
      The original fairy tales were all pretty dark.
      As long as you've got a YA main character and diverse characters, bring it on!


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