
Monday, July 1, 2019

Which was better, book or movie?

My first regular post was a success, thanks to YOU for commenting!  It was fun to see that a few of you have actual opinions about books.  Let's build on our previous success and read more of your opinions.

Last week we talked about book formats and which ones might be better.  This week let's talk about books and movies.  I hear you groaning.
We're WRITERS!  Obviously we like books better than movies, amiright?  But some of you out there in internetland might be script writers and have an inferior a different opinion.  Or you might write both.

Sometimes, the book really is better than the movie.  And sometimes, the movie really is better than the book.

We all remember Harry Potter and Hunger Games.  You can talk about those if you want, but what about some of the more recent movies that were based on books?

Here are a few movie releases from 2018 and 2019.  Have you read these books AND seen these movies?  You don't have to limit your comments to these books/movies though.

Crazy Rich Asians [Kevin Kwan]
The Girl in the Spider's Web [David Lagercrantz]
The Hate U Give [Angie Thomas]
Ready Player One [Ernest Cline]
Pet Sematary [Stephen King]
The Sun is Also a Star [Nicola Yoon]
A Wrinkle in Time [Madeleine L'Engle]

I mostly read books.  I rarely see a movie.  If you thought the movie was better than the book, convince me to watch the movie!  Or, confirm my usual opinion that the book was better than the movie and congratulate me for saving my money.

Which did you like better, the book or the movie?  Why?  Tell us in the comments!


  1. Typically, I think books are better than movies, but I thought The Giver movie was better than the book.

  2. I will definitely check out that movie. Thanks for commenting!

  3. I still haven't gotten around to adding Ted Chiang's Stories of Your Life and Others, where you can find "Story of Your Life," the novella Arrival was based on, to my library. I love that movie. I'm curious if I would love Chiang's writing as much.

  4. For The Hate U Give, I read the book and watched the movie. The book was funnier, but the movie wasn't too bad


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