
Monday, August 5, 2019

What are you reading that's new for you?

Thank you to everyone who participated in our poll and suggested genres for our next Pass or Pages.  You are all awesome!

While we consider the results and decide the next genre [genre reveal August 27!], let's pause for a mid-summer break.
Or mid-winter for our down-under readers.

What book are you reading right now?  I'm reading something that's entirely new for me - a humor book called FOOD:  A LOVE STORY by Jim Gaffigan.  I'm reading on audio, read by the author!  Admittedly, I wouldn't call his voice riveting, but he has a way of delivering jokes deadpan, which makes it extra funny.  I'm about two hours in, and three times I've almost had to stop the car because I was laughing so much I thought I might crash.

What have you read recently that's new for you?  Tell us in the comments!


  1. Jim Gaffigan is hilarious.
    I'm reading The Phantom Forest by Liz Kerin. Pretty good so far. Good darkness. Imaginative dystopian story. Hoping for some more world-building, because when it slips in it's fantastic.

  2. I'm reading, It's Okay to Miss the Bed on the First Jump by John O'Hurley. It was a gift from a friend, and it's really good!


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