
Monday, January 27, 2020

Help for your TBR pile!

Books for soldiers & sailors 1918
We here at Operation Awesome want to help all our blog readers to ~drumroll~ restock your TBR [to be read] piles!  We know your piles are starting to dwindle*, and we want to ensure you have something to read.  Because let's be honest, the thought of having NOTHING to read is downright scary!

*In case you haven't guessed, this is HUMOR.  If you're like me, your TBR pile resides on the nightstand beside your bed, most of the floor space UNDER your bed, three bookcases along the wall in the hallway, about half of the trunk of your car, one-third of your briefcase, one desk drawer at work, a Kindle app on your iPhone, Overdrive on your iPad, and a folder of PDFs on your laptop computer.  And this doesn't count the library books you've checked out.


Internet Archive

Project Gutenberg

Smithsonian Libraries

Library of Congress

Two sites of compilations:

Teach Thought

Edu Choices

I'm currently reading Dogtripping by David Rosenfelt.  Next on my TBR list is So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo.

What's on your TBR list?  Tell us in the comments!


  1. This made me chuckle. My Kindles - yes, I have UK Amazon and one US Amazon - are worse than my virtual spaces. My desk is disappearing under books - an excuse not to write. However, although I use a book organising programme, that's about a year out of date. So, I read whatever is on top of the TB heap, however it got there.

  2. OMG, there are so many books on my TBR ... I end up putting the ones I want to read on my amazon wishlist so I can keep track. And my goodreads shelf. A few of the present residents: anything by Mae Clair, anything by Staci Troilo/DL Cross, anything by D Wallace Peach, Anne Frasier's Body Reader, Stephen King's On Writing, Jessie Chandler's latest, Kristi Belcamino, Frank Weber, I could go on ...


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