
Thursday, April 2, 2020

#AtoZChallenge - Beginning, Middle, End

B is for Beginning, Middle, End.

During this challenge I will be sharing some of my favorite writing prompts or challenges with you so you can try them out to see which ones you find useful, challenging or just fun.

The Begging, Middle, End challenge is one I like when writing short fiction because it offers a kind of natural structure to your story in that the person offering the prompt (in this case me) gives you a sentence to begin your story, a sentence to fit into the middle of your story and a sentence to finish your story.

So here goes...

Beginning:  He hadn't been in town long, but somehow, they already wanted to murder him.

Middle: The dishes lay shattered in the kitchen sink.

End: She would understand one day that he had truly loved her.

So go to it.  See what you can make of those. 

We'd love to see how you use these prompts, so either leave your story in the comments or email to us at


  1. Neat idea for the A-Z.

    Wiser minds have opined that the beginning should begin in the middle of the action :) This opening sounds perfect from that point of view.

    Happy A-Zing!

  2. Clever! Thank you. I shall give it a try!

  3. What a great idea for the A-Z challenge. I'm in the middle of a WIP right now, so I won't try to write to the prompts, but I am certainly enjoying reading them!

  4. He hadn't been in town long, but somehow, they already wanted to murder him.

    It was understandable. He had something they wanted.

    He usually was reckless, but then he met her. She was more than a dame; she had eyes only for him. 

    Life suddenly mattered.

    "Come meet the folks."

    Could he enter the domesticated life of an average Joe?

    Something wasn't right.

    The dishes lay shattered in the kitchen sink.

    "Get the cops and take my heat." His 38 was wrapped in his handkerchief with something sparkly tied to the end.

    He'd never met her ma; he saw the resemblance immediately.

    While trying to make her death look more natural, he took one between the eyes. He'd always known it would end this way. 

    She would understand one day that he had truly loved her...

    Thanks for the prompt always enjoy micro fiction - like crossword puzzles.
    Happy A to Zing

  5. Awesome ideas

    Welfare unto all
    Rab rakha


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