
Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Libraries and Reading During COVID-19

When libraries shut down in March 2020, I'm not going to lie, I did shed some tears. Even with access to electronic books and audiobooks from Libby or Overdrive, reading or listening to a book electronically is not the same as holding a physical book.

With starting my graduate degree thesis this summer and not having access to physical sources, finding  materials was extremely difficult. I joined an electronic service for a minimal fee that has paid for itself in the last three months. My university library opened, but they didn't have the sources I needed. The local university libraries have not reopened for services yet. I also increased my search for available online journal articles.

My local library opened for carry out services July 7 where I go in and pull my reserves from the shelf and use a contactless check out system.

What are your sources for reading materials during COVID-19? How have you coped during this time without physical library services, and how is your local library currently handling services?


  1. I work in a public library and staff has recently returned full-time to the building (we had been teleworking since mid-March). But patrons are not yet allowed back into the building. We're offering a patio pick-up service where patrons can make an appointment to pick up their reserves from our outdoor patio (or foyer when it's raining). We also have a personalized pick-up service where patrons can just tell us what they like and a librarian will put together some picks for them to pick up. We're still promoting digital books and services on our website, too.

    1. Thank you for sharing your experiences, Lauri! I'm glad to hear that staff have been teleworking and are able to return to offering a pick-up service. Digital books and services are so beneficial. Thank you for your service!


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